Bubble Tea

Today LS1 was doing something for Bubble Tea because it was Bubble Tea Day.

  1. First we had to make a name and flavor for our Bubble Tea that we were going to trace. (And my Bubble Teas name was Taro Tempo because my flavor was Taro)
  2. Then we had to do are trace for of our Bubble Tea color it.
  3. Then next after all that we  had to put in some ingredients and I put the real ingredients for the Taro flavor.
  4. Lastly we had to make a fair price for our Bubble Tea.

Here’s my work

One thought on “Bubble Tea

  1. Hi Darrius

    We think your blog post is cool and interesting. Some of us have had bubble tea and some of us have not. One suggestion we have is can you make your photo a little larger so it is easier to read. Can bubble tea really be purple? What other flavours of bubble tea are there?

    From Room 1, Marfell Community School

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